
As an award-winning, T’karonto-based writer of fiction and creative nonfiction, I share stories about resilience, travel adventures, quirky happenings, and magical connections. Looking through stained-glass windows I compose at my standing desk. World music inspires me; writing fills me with joy; and family keeps me dancing on and off the page.


My writing is published in Canadian and U.S. literary journals and anthologies. A full list is available on my publications page. Below is my recent work published online and in print.

Move it or Lose it

Canadian Medical Association Journal March 26, 2024

“I slip on my low-back, sparkly dress and practise my power stance in front of the mirror. Then I twirl and twirl, watching my scar wink and disappear, wink and disappear.”

The Elements

Roots to Branches volume 1, Federation of British Columbia Writers anthology, November 19, 2023

“Suddenly, we are crushed from behind, spun sideways. In slow-motion, I spiral into the blue and rush of wind. My eyelids slam shut, like those of a doll, as I hit pavement.”

Coping With My Husband’s Parkinson’s Diagnosis

The Globe & Mail, First Person, October 16, 2023

“His forehead is plaid with criss-crossing wrinkles. He knows those weren’t the right words. Is this a senior moment, a brain blip, dementia or the new thing?”


Journal of Expressive Writing, September 7, 2023

“It is incurable. Hippocrates diagnosed it in 400 BCE and had four grown men stand on a patient’s spine to straighten the curve. Guess what? It didn’t work.”

Wild Mustard

Winner, Eden Mills Writers Festival 2023 Creative Nonfiction Contest, Emerge 4 chapbook, September 2023

“‘In the old days, they gave you ether,’ says Mum. She is a tiny mound of skin and bones on a stretcher wheeling to the OR. She closes her eyes, hand on an invisible mask. ‘Sniff, sniff.’”

About Me

Doley Henderson

I am an award-winning T’karonto-based writer of fiction, creative nonfiction, flash, and lyric essay published in Canadian and U.S. journals. My work includes a draft novel, “Sea Change” and a collection of vignettes. I am currently working on a mother-daughter memoir about scoliosis, “Just Put on Some Lipstick”.

Stories have been central to my life as an educator, editor, CNIB narrator, “Quill & Quire” book reviewer, mum, and nana. In open-mic sessions, I enjoy sharing tales of adventure travel, family, and magical connections. A graduate of The Writers Studio, Simon Fraser University, I hold an MFA Creative Nonfiction from University of King’s College and Dalhousie University.